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Secular Badges

Secular badges were popular in the medieval period as either lover’s tokens or livery badges. All of the badges below are accurate copies of surviving pewter artefacts. For information on the history of secular badges please refer to the ‘History’ section of the website.

S16-Lovers Token
S16-Lovers Token

S16-Lovers Token

As the primary symbol of love in the middle ages the heart was a favoured subject for jewellery. For the nobility, this took the form of magnificent silver or gold brooches, often set with precious stones and accompanied by amatory mottoes.

Pewter badges, in imitation of these jewels, were also common, and these would have been produced for ordinary people to give and wear as symbols of love. The flowering heart, as in this attractive badge, was a particularly popular subject and was often depicted on betrothal or wedding rings.

14th-15th centuries.

21x32mm A flowering heart.
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